Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rain, Rain, and more Rain

It has been raining for the past three days, not great weather for getting your home completed.  Feels like we are making progress on the inside, but the rest of the project is at a stand still. 

We omitted the front eave off the home, to build the porch, and now our front windows have water coming in them.  My bedroom window sill you can see water damage, as well as under the window the drywall is bubbled up.  Not to mention the carpet and baseboard are also getting wet.  My contractor visited last night and installed some coil above the windows to help detour the water off.  The factory is aware and will be visiting for a service call, next month sometime.

In other news, I had contacted a local heating and cooling company, to take a look at our pieces & parts for our furnace, heat ducts, etc.  He visited our house one afternoon last week, and never called me back.  I talked with my contractor, he said the HVAC guy talked to him, and that he did not believe the heat system that was sent with the house was sufficient, therefore he did not want to hook the system up and be liable for any type of warranty.  Since I work here, I have heard all different stories about the HVAC systems, and contractors disagreeing with our 3rd party source.  I am going to move forward, either with the guy I have contacted, and show him all of our calculations to prove that the heating system is sufficient, and if that does not work, I will find another HVAC person to hook us up! :)


Monday, June 24, 2013

Last Set for Set Crew

Today the set crew finished the siding on the dormers and sided the west end of the house. It looks great! Now onto the porch and the garage!

I took a few other interior photos, showing the work from the weekend!
 The plumbing is being tied together in the basement.
 Our new basement stairs!

And here is our attic space - set crew is finished now we can clean this area up and start filling it up! :)

We also got our survey complete for the easement we need for electrical tonight! Finally, now we wait for the electric & gas company to decide when they can come hook us up! 

A productive week!

The past week was a productive one, this process seems like it is going to take so long to complete, but the truth is once you get going, it moves right along.

During the week we did not have much time to do any of our work on the house, since we all have to work, however my parents did have one day where they went and painted the second bathroom, and our laundry room for us! They both look great!

My contractor was on site two days this week, he has the porch prepped to be poured, and he installed our basement stairs.  He plans to start working on our house this week as he completes another project today. 
We are still waiting for the surveyor to do our paperwork for the easement we needed to get for the electric company to come and run lines to our house, we are also still waiting to hear from the gas company about when we are going to be hooked up.
I have talked to many different people throughout the week, HVAC guy to hook up our furnace & central air, bank appraiser, insurance lady, factory about some service work, place we are buying our air conditioner from, the list goes on and on.  Being the general contractor for your project is time consuming and difficult at times.  
The weekend we had was very productive for us, we painted the master bedroom, the master bathroom, hung two ceiling fans, put a dresser & nightstand together, bought a bed for my daughter (put it in her room), painted a dresser and a rocking chair, hooked up close to all of the plumbing in the basement, moved the outside water faucet from the front of the home to the end, there is probably more, it felt like a rewarding weekend to get that much accomplished!

I will post the bathroom, and some of the basement work - photos were not at the top of my priority list by the time the day was winding down yesterday.  :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Set Crew Back on Site!

This morning the set crew is back on site working on the dormers for the home.

After work we went to see the progress, and we have all 3 dormers! 

Next week they will return to complete the siding on the dormers, and the end of the home! Making progress is the best feeling!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Happy Fathers Day! - here is a paint brush!  Today we finished painting the room we started yesterday, and began on the adjacent bedroom.  By the end of the day we have two painted rooms, and one room taped off - ready for paint!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Things to do.....

Now that the home is on the site, I just want to get everything done as soon as possible, so we can move in! The kitchen and my new closet need to be filled! :)

Once the home is set, there is a lot of work we need to complete on the inside.  The marriage line where the two halves come together must be finished, the drywall for the walls, the ceiling, the flooring, the doorways, etc. 

The guy who is fixing the drywall for us came today to start on the marriage line.  It looks good - he will be back next week to finish up the major drywall work!

 There are two rooms that only had minor drywall issues, so we began painting one of the rooms!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Set Day!

Today is set day! My husband and I arrived at the site a 7 AM and were the first ones there - we were very excited to get the day going!

The set crew arrived a little after 7, and began by taking the plastic off the sides, ends, and roof of the halves.  They also were taking out all the ship loose parts that they would need for the exterior of the home (this is also to make the home that much lighter for the crane to lift).  The crane was supposed to be at the site around 8 am......we were pushing 9am when the crane company finally called to state they could not find the site.  My husband went in search of them and escorted them back to our site.  In the mean time, my contractor was on site to move the interior basement stairwell wall over a few inches, it was only going to support on half of the home, so he moved it 2 3/8" to fix the error.

We had a lot of people that wanted to see the set! Since it is so close to home, many people who work at Commodore came to see the set in progress.  We also had a guy doing video of the set - to create a time-lapse video of the set, I am excited to see the footage he got of the whole process.  Family members, neighbors, you name it, they were probably on site at some point throughout the day!  It is a neat process and I am glad we got to share it with so many people!

It took the crane awhile to get set up, but once they did we were in business!

 The crane arrives!

 The crane is prepping with the straps to lift the home.
 Setting the first box!

 First box is on foundation!
 Raising the roof on the first box!

 Picking up the second box!

 Second box is set.
 Raising the second roof!
 My daughter excited about the whole process - look at the materials being lifted up by the crane!
 Setting the endwall

 Setting the opposite end wall - this end gets a window!
 Installing the boxes to close up the roof.
 Weather proofing the home - finishing the shingles!
This is what the house looked like when we left Friday evening. (we put in a 12 hour day!)

After the house was set, and everyone was gone, we went to the home improvement store, and bought all our paint colors for the house, and a few odds and ends that we were going to need in order to get this project moving!